Kitten no Bigger Than A Tube Of Chap-stick Found Deserted in Bushes


An adorable runt rescued from the bushes near a home was just a bit larger than a chap-stick, but he fought his way to good health and happiness.

When Stuart Little was just found, he had been deserted in the bushes with his mother and siblings which were all much bigger than him. Fabulous Felines NWA took Stuart Little in and found out that he was completely motionless. No one was sure if he would make it.

“But we had to at least try,” they said.

“Stuart Little was brought to me in August with his mom plus six litter mates, rescued from outdoors by a Springdale resident (Scott Hollandsworth). The mom was malnourished and semi feral and the kittens were really struggling, Stuart Little worst of all,” Amanda Rhea of the rescue said.

His fur did grow back on his face and head and he doubled his weight in less than a week.

For some reason the mother cat stopped nursing her kittens and wasn’t interested in eating, “So I went ahead and had her spayed and relocated to Cat Haven Ranch for her own safety and well being. I bottle fed the kittens until a surrogate mom was found (and continued to supplement with bottle feeding).”

Stuart Little’s human foster mom got some help from a loving feline surrogate whose name is Bessie.

Age 6 weeks old. Stuart Little’s body still hadn’t caught up to his head yet.

About 8 weeks old, had grown to a healthier weight over the course of a month since the last time he was pictured with a ChapStick.

Stuart was placed in a loving, forever home.

What a little fighter he is!

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